Living Aloha
What does it mean to live aloha? Kokua aku kokua mai, to give and recieve help is a reciprocal relationship. This is living aloha, to give others time, energy, to help nurture something or someone. It is giving of yourself without expectation of return. The cycle of aloha continues, similar to a plant or water cycle. It is from within ourselves when we kokua others, that we in turn create lasting sustainability, a bond between ourselves and that person. When we kokua nature, in turn, nature takes care of us, providing us with all the sustenance we need and then some. We take care of our bodies and in turn our bodies generate better health, improved energy, longevity of life, a glowing exterior. We take care of this world, without worrying about if and when the cycle returns. We do this because it is the right thing to do and as seen in the different cycles, taking care of something equals energy coming back in various forms. Maybe it is the beautiful sunrise over Mauna Kea, the vi...